At 03:34 PM 30/03/04 -0800, you wrote:
> > The truth is that sufficient violence ends violence.
> That is true enough. But that only works when you can seal
> the outlines of the geographical area and flood the same with
> your troops.

It also works if you are violent enough to convince the rest of them they
need to knock if off or they're next. Remember, we don't want to occupy and
control these countries. And the violence we've already visited on them has
made a few of them blink (like Qaddafi Duck).

> > I prefer to give them a memory of a mushroom cloud over Medina that
> > will make them remember that they shouldn't fuck with the adults.

Quick comment on Mike's postings and related material such as America the Theocracy.

This spread of xenophobic memes such as Mike advances is to be expected for both being attacked and widespread belief in a tribe substitute (nation) that the future is bleak. The US's economic situation--converting to a third world income distribution--is such that a huge number of people in the US have seen their incomes fall.

If I am right about the way human psychological traits map from the tribal days, this is one of the two things that increase the circulation of xenophobic memes. The other one is being attacked. The evolved purpose of spreading xenophobic memes was to sync a tribe's warriors up to attack.

If the build up of xenophobic memes continues long enough, the US will see massive public support for attacks that will kill millions, perhaps hundreds of millions. Hunter gatherer tribes would sometimes kill everyone in an attacking tribe though they usually just killed the males.

Will it go that far? It's hard to say, it certainly did in Rwanda.

Keith Henson


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