JDG wrote:

So, you would disagree that firing shots with the intent of bringing down a
country's aircraft ordinarily constitutes an act of war against said country?

It now seems inescapable that you are saying the very thing I imagined:

We invaded Iraq.

They shot at our airplanes that were flying over *their* country.

And now you say that *they* attacked *us*?

Unbelievable. What did you think, that *Saddam* would greet us with flowers?

You're talking newspeak, absolute newspeak. Where I come from, Saddam's reaction is called "fighting back," not attacking.

Did Kuwait "attack Iraq" when they resisted Iraq's invasion?

Did we "attack" Japan at Pearl Harbor?

I'm not siding with our enemies, but I feel disgusted when I read this sort of language coming from our side. I find no honor in such rationalization.

My country, may she always be right, is still my country, right or wrong.



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