At 02:01 AM Monday 9/5/2005, Warren Ockrassa wrote:
On Sep 4, 2005, at 11:51 PM, Robert Seeberger wrote:

I do know that it really bothered me after the tsunami that it never
was discussed, and I don't think varying grief modes can explain that.

FWIW, one of the things I'm fairly conscious of is that noises of sympathy are just that; they can't really do much materially to help.

Certainly letting a person know that s/he's thought of is helpful *to that person's outlook*, but I also know the odds are vanishingly small that any comment I might make will reach anyone.

To me something like "My heart goes out to this or that groupÂ…" is a little like "I'm praying for this or that groupÂ…" It just doesn't carry the weight with me that it might with others, so I tend not to say such things. It's not for lack of caring; it's because I know that sometimes words just don't help.

And those who believe that prayer does work believe that it works just as well when said in private rather than in public. (q.v. Matt. 6:4) I would guess that those who do believe in the efficacy of prayer have probably been doing some of it in the time they are not on-line . . .

-- Ronn!  :)


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