On 4 Sep 2006 at 14:06, William T Goodall wrote:

> But most people aren't non-technophiles like you and don't know how  
> to protect themselves against malicious intrusions. And a computer  
> that's part of a botnet launching DoS attacks and mailing millions of  
> spams out through its unknowing owner's cable or DSL connection is  
> very far from useful.

Those people either buy from people like me (who pre-install the 
software), or they buy a brand..which allready has antivirus and 
firewalls loaded. I have not seen a PC sold in the last 4 years 
without that software...the ones loaded with infections are older 
than that, IME. Moreover, a 70-80 minute process lets me reinstall a 
fresh windows install from scratch without deleting any data.

And no, me not being a technophile has nothing to do with it and is 
another example of the fact you cannot pass up a cheap shot however 
silly in context.

Dawn Falcon


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