From: Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Dec 1, 2006, at 7:23 AM, PAT MATHEWS wrote:

Yeah. But before you go off on how Evil McDoonald's is, let me point out they're one of the few places I can get decent portions. In higher class places if you want a hamburger you get a 6 to 8 ouncer for corresponding prices. I'm not into eating that much. I go for the fast food where 1/4 is still considered a good size.

You should really look at the offerings at Carl's Jr.

Mmmm. Six Dollar Burger...


A Six Dollar Burger is precisely what I do NOT want!!!!! I do NOT want lumberjack-sized portions at lumberjack prices!!!! I am getting sick to death of finding that the only option on the menu unless I can somehow pass myself off as being under 10 years old - and then enduring the starch & fried stuff offered the kiddies. "We have macaroni and cheese - and for our vegetable, we have CORN!!!"

"Senior plates" are roughly 3/4 the size at 4/5 the price. That's an improvement. Somewhat of an improvement.

I want one-ounce cookies, 2-4 ounce hamburgers, plates with actual vegetables on them (and NOT boiled to death with grease in them) and portions no larger than what grown adults who did manual labor used to eat 50-60 years ago. I want a one-egg breakfast burrito and a 2-egg omelet. I want French toast, not French "Texas Toast." I want pancakes the size you get on a side order, not pancakes that cover an entire modern dinner plate. I want potatoes the size of a stapler, not the size of a football. I want 8-ounce cups of coffee to be available and drinking glasses at the dinner table to hold 8 ounces of milk comfortably, not to demand 16 ounces.

I am a little old lady, dammit, not a 7-foot 300 pound football player!!!!

And that rant sounds a lot like one my mom delivered awhile back, when she was still in her 50s. :) So she figured out how to get what she wanted at various places, and avoided the ones where she couldn't -- or took home 1/2 to 2/3 of the food served.


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