On Mon, 13 Aug 2007, Jim Sharkey wrote:

> Doug wrote:
>> Robert wrote:
>>> Yesterday I was moving, packing boxes into a Uhaul, lifting
>>> furniture and all that for over 10 hours.
>> I'll bet.  I was humping sod all morning Saturday, and digging in
>> the mud in the afternoon.
> Boy, those sound *way* more fun than my day yesterday, spent drinking
> beer and taking in a Trenton Thunder baseball game.  You guys are lucky.  :-D
> Jim
> Rubbing it in Maru

If I hadn't decided I really didn't want to spend $30 for the priviledge 
of going to County Line for barbecue, I probably would have bought beer 
for the guys that actually got the 1500-lb. cart into and out of the van 

(And if I'd had sufficient cash on me, I would have just handed it to 
someone reliable to do the beer-buying for me.)



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