On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 10:20 PM, Charlie Bell <char...@culturelist.org>wrote:

> Franklin founded the first one in the States, arguably the first of the
> modern mutuals. But he didn't invent shared or mutualised risk.
Risk has been mutual forever.  John Donne said it well:

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manner of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

The fundamental truth behind that writing is conveniently ignored by
champions of "liberty" who insist that "freedom" frees them from a
community's obligation to organize itself to care for those in need.

It is a strange sort of liberation that frees us from our deepest bonds,
best fought with its true name, greed.


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