On Dec 7, 2010, at 5:44 AM, Alberto Monteiro wrote:

Why do people join Facebook, when it's owned
by sociopaths and perverts?

and then wrote:

It's not the people that join that are sociopaths
and perverts, it's the people that control the site
that are sociopaths and perverts.

Only a sociopath and pervert can think that
breastfeeding is pornography. It's disrespectful
to breastfeeding (and to pornography too, but wfc?)

All the billions that g*vernments invest all the
time to make mothers breastfeed, and those sociopaths
and perverts create a Social Network that criminalizes
it. They should be exiled to Antarctica.

It seemed to me that the initial post could have been an excellent illustration of a trap question in the mold of "Have you stopped beating your wife?", and left it alone, admiring the complex twists of it semantic seductiveness.

But this seems to be a much better question to answer in the real world.

The answer is that the culture at large has some very unhealthy and dysfunctional ideas about nudity and sex, and tends to perceive women's exposed breasts (regardless of the reasons why they're exposed) as a sexualized image. I don't know if this is more so, or less so, in Brazil than it is in the USA (I've heard widely conflicting reports), but with only limited exceptions in some more open-minded areas of the country, people are taught to consider exposed female breasts a moral threat of sorts (under the guise of "protecting children") and some websites run by people who adhere to that belief system tend to discriminate in that way rather, er, indiscriminately.

I don't like the paradigm, I strongly feel that the value system that underlies it is ultimately more destructive and unhealthy than anything else, but it's a very deep-rooted paradigm that would require far more than my own meager efforts to shift. And whether I happen to like it or not, Facebook is likely to continue this behavior for the foreseeable future. I wouldn't necessarily call the attitudes driving it sociopathic, but I suppose I could call some of them perverted, for a fairly loose definition of perversion.

(A similar definition exists in a more extreme form in parts of the Arab world where women are forced to wrap themselves in clothing to the extent that they can barely even see, supposedly to avoid tempting nearby men into acts of lust. Both are a form of blaming the victim, and I think men who believe this about women need to work on impulse control more than they need to harass the womenfolk into covering themselves up, but that may just be me.)

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” -- Mahatma Gandhi


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