Thanks Inderpreet!

> Can anyone speed me up on things that are being done for new website
> (wp+wiki) ?

I can try to fill you in.  Jacob (maths22) has more details as he’s been taking 
point on website management, please coordinate activity with him but you 
shouldn’t feel the need to wait for anything.  If you have time now, there’s a 
lot of work still needed.

Basically, the new website is being staged at  You can see 
there many aspects that still need to be fixed/improved before we can make that 
go live.  The items I notice that still need to be worked on are:

1) several links/menu items are not yet hooked up (dead links)
2) there are themedemo postings in the blog section (i.e., the blog needs to be 
3) the massive login needs to be moved … it doesn’t need to be 
front-and-center, perhaps replace with a mailing list login
4) images missing on the features
5) dead links and duplication on the downloads page
6) the download link demo is needs to auto-detect the platform and get the 
visitor to the right download binary
7) the mediawiki theme isn’t yet synced with the wp theme
8) the logo needs to be updated to the new rendered version (only I have this 
thus far)

That’s a start. :)

> I see some changes in wiki design, but wordpress theme is almost the
> same and needs improvement. Is anyone working on it? and How can I
> help?

You can tackle any/all of those.  Is the site uploaded into the Github repo for 
BRL-CAD?  That’s probably a good first step so we can get people working on the 
website in parallel, and just have auto-pull from the github 


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