Is there a new version of the code demonstrating them working?

Yes, it is attached to today's email. It should compile and produce an
rtexample binary that runs the example I set up correctly.

There are a variety of cases with 2points that should also be explored and
ensure are being handled too like having coincident points,
external/distant, etc.  this can be done on the rt example code or...

Okay, I'll make some more 2point examples with different situations like
the ones you mention.

Before doing that, the next step should be getting 0-1 points working on
the production tools.  Now that you have a feel for rtexample's single ray
case, that should make rtweight a lot easier to understand and get
working.  See if you can make the changes necessary to rtweight for cases 0
& 1 points.

Got it. Will work on that.

Working with the rtweight sources, you will now be able to now submit
changes in proper patch form.  Make sure you have an svn trunk checkout,
then run svn diff to see your changes.

Okay. I'll stay on rtexample for the new test cases mentioned above and
move to rtweight for new work.

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