[quoted lines by Brian Tew on 2018/04/03 at 12:10 -0500]

>/usr/lib/systemd/system does not exist. /usr/lib/systemd does exist, but 
>theres no system directory in it.

That's okay. Each distribution does things its own way. Since I can't look 
directly at yours, the best I can do is make suggestions. We'll just need to 
figure out where it really is.

>locate brltty.service done as root gives four listings;

It's the one in /lib/. Many distributions make /lib/ and /usr/lib/ be the same. 
I guess that isn't the case on yours.

>but even though the locate command shows them root cannot see three  of them.
>When root tries to edit those files it says no such file or directory.

Please don't try to edit any files other than the one you really should be 
editing. Doing so could cause unwanted corruption.

>Only the second one can be found by root.

Yes, that's the right one.

>that file is below. the execstart line is not so simple.
>ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "grep -sq '^ *RUN_BRLTTY=no' /etc/default/brltty || exec 
>/sbin/brltty -P /run/brltty.pid"

There are two extra pieces which you can ignore (i.e. just leave them as they 

The first part (to the left of the ||) is checking to see if RUN_BRLTTY=no is 
specified within /etc/default/brltty. I guess that's the Ubuntu way to disable 

The third part (the -P option) is to get brltty to use the correct PID file. 
That bit mustn't be changed.

The second part (exec /sbin/brltty) is what you're looking for. Change it to 
point to the desired place. Then remember to do systemctl daemon-reload and 
then to disconnect/reconnect your device.

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Dave Mielke           | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
EMail: d...@mielke.cc | Ottawa, Ontario   | Twitter: @Dave_Mielke
Phone: 1-613-726-0014 | Canada  K2A 1H7   |
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