BVARC Group,
I only joined our club last month, so I have no right to tell anybody in the 
club how to post on the BVARC list.  All I want to say is that my inbox has 
been getting hammered with email not really associated with our hobby since I 
joined, and please understand that I am not putting anybody down whatsoever 
right now.  And yes, it is very simple to hit the delete link, but we have to 
read all these postings before realizing that they are unrelated to our hobby.  
The reason I joined the club was to meet people that could assist me in 
learning more about amateur radio, and to assist others with the same teachings 
as I increase my knowledge as well.  When I get to know each of you, I would 
like to put a list together of those that would like to share emails that are 
outside of the hobby, and keep it between us as friends.  If we did that, the 
rest of the group would not receive emails that they may not agree with, or 
have time to read.
Again, I have no right to tell any of you how to moderate the group, and I 
understand that.  This is just my experience so far, and how I am seeing it 
from my lens after a month in the club.
I am taking the General Class test in 2 weeks.  I would ask you to wish me 
luck, but I wont need it.  Should be a breeze after all the study so far.
73,Rodney MartinezKC5MZK

    On Sunday, April 2, 2017 3:57 PM, Jeffrey Davis via BVARC <> 

 I vote for freedom of speech. 
If someone post something I don't wanna read, I'll delete it and move on. And 
least you think I'm not busy in email, I check 18 different email addresses 
every hour or so. I think I've deleted more than 300 emails just today. 
Enjoy life, read and enjoy want you want. And trash the other and move on. My 
gosh don't let what I may say or post get ur goat. And for heavens sake, as my 
momma used to say, if you don't let them know where ur goats tied up, they 
can't get it. 
Love ya'll, for with out everyone of you, my life would not be as full. I don't 
say much, but I read and enjoy most of what I do!73, (Sincerely) KF5HQE,Jeff 

PS that wasn't political, religious or humorous, was it?
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 2, 2017, at 10:18 AM, John Chauvin via BVARC <> wrote:

Au contraire.
It is not that my, and hopefully anyone else's, whole day is consumed with the 
reflector.  Rather it is that many of us have a busy schedule and have to sort 
through this BS to get to our only desire for the reflector - amateur radio.  
One exception, because of the nature of many amateur radio operators, an 
occasional "off topic" is required as a one-time question or similar, but not 
leading to a long e-mail trail.  I would hope that those that respond to these 
occasional requests do so directly and not respond to the entire reflector.
IMHO (to quote a internationally acclaimed orator and noble statesman).

      From: Rick Hiller -- W5RH via BVARC <>
Cc: Rick Hiller -- W5RH <>
 Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2017 10:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [BVARC] Trash on our Amateur Radio reflector

Well now, let's see...
No political comments -- then no discussion about HR555.
No religious comments -- then no discussion about the propagation, sun spots, 
solar storms, because that is Mother Nature/God -- the ultimate OP, no matter 
what building you go into Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
No humorous comments.....oh, no humor, sorry, I'll stop here then.
C'mon folks, if your whole day is consumed by what comes across the BVARC 
reflector and you do not know what a delete key is, then you deserve to be 
miserable.  Even Dr. Feinman had a sense of humor. 
73 (sincerely) Rick -- W5RH

ps...keep complaiing and I will start the wood chuck thread 
again....Oh..,,sorry, no humor allowed.  My apologies.
Rick Hiller The Radio Hotel  -- W5RH

On Sun, Apr 2, 2017 at 8:59 AM, Pat Cameron via BVARC <> wrote:

I vote for that! ( and the code requirement :-)
On Apr 2, 2017 8:56 AM, "K5HM" <> wrote:

I do not care for political or religious comments but if we ban humor, well, 
that is a step too far.  There is precious little ham humor in our hobby.  We 
all seen to take ourselves too seriously.  Next thing you know, we will be 
bannibg the expressions of humor like words like  Ha Ha or Hee Hee Heee.Come on 
 April 1st. OK?   73,Ron,<image001.jpg><image002.jpg><image003.jpg>
        Excelsior! From: BVARC [mailto:bvarc-boun...@bvarc.or g] On Behalf Of 
Pat Cameron via BVARC
Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2017 7:16 AM
Cc: Pat Cameron <>; Michael Monsour <>
Subject: Re: [BVARC] Trash on our Amateur Radio reflector Can we take a vote?
Best Regards,Pat Cameron(832)885-2899 On Sun, Apr 2, 2017 at 6:08 AM, K5IZO via 
BVARC <> wrote:
Michael, I agree. Let's keep this reflector for ham radio so we don't have to 
receive this garbage. Political views, sinkholes and April Fools trash isn't 
welcome here.

Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 2, 2017, at 5:57 AM, Michael Monsour via BVARC <> wrote:
If you are going to do April 1st stuff then have the FCC turn ham radio into 
CB. No more calls and free for all and anything goes On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 
10:51 PM, Jeff Davis via BVARC <> wrote:
I enjoyed it, I’ve been hit with so many today that it was getting old.  Then 
this one and man I swallowed it hook line and oh you know. it wasn’t till I 
went back to read it again and saw the date that I went, oh crap, I fell for 
one. Thanks, KF5HQE Jeff 
On Apr 1, 2017, at 10:12 PM, gmuller885 via BVARC <> wrote: Just 
haveing fun michael. Don't take it so seriously.   Sent from my Sprint Samsung 
Galaxy® Note 4.

-------- Original message --------
From: Michael Monsour via BVARC <> 
Date: 4/1/17 9:42 PM (GMT-06:00) 
Cc: Michael Monsour <>, JP Pritchard <> 
Subject: Re: [BVARC] FCC action!! 

Enough with the April 1st junk On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 9:03 PM, JP Pritchard via 
BVARC <> wrote:
I know this is crap since the federal government would never say in a press 
release that it had made a big mistake. Nice try Chris. You're an April fool.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 1, 2017, at 8:45 PM, Chris Boone via BVARC <> wrote:
> FCC to reinstate Morse Code test
> Washington, D.C. – April 1, 2017 –
> Today, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission or FCC) approved 
> Report and Order 14-987af which reinstates the Morse Code test for General 
> Class and Amateur Extra Class licensees.
> “It was a big mistake eliminating the Morse Code test,” admits Dotty Dasher, 
> the FCC’s director of examinations. “We now realize that being able to send 
> and receive Morse Code is an essential skill for radio amateurs. As they say, 
> it really does get through when other modes can’t.”
> Not only will new applicants have to take the test, but General Class 
> licensees who have never passed a code test will have one year to pass a 
> 5-wpm code test. Similarly, Amateur Extra class licensees that never passed a 
> code test will have one year to pass a 13-wpm test. Those amateurs that fail 
> to pass the test will face revocation of their operating privileges. 
> Materials for administering the examinations will be distributed to Volunteer 
> Examiner Coordinators by the end of April, so that they can begin the testing 
> on May 1, 2017.
> “This isn’t going to be one of those silly multiple-choice type tests,” noted 
> Dasher. “We’re going to be sending five-character random code groups, just 
> like we did in the old days. And, applicants will have to prove that they can 
> send, too, using a poorly adjusted straight key.”
> Technician Class licensees will not be required to take a Morse Code test, 
> nor will a test be required for new applicants. “We discussed it,” said 
> Dasher, “but decided that since most Techs can’t even figure out how to 
> program their HTs, requiring them to learn Morse Code seemed like cruel and 
> unusual punishment.”
> When asked what other actions we might see from the FCC, Dasher hinted that 
> in the future applicants taking the written exam may be required to draw 
> circuit diagrams, such as Colpitts oscillators and diode ring mixers, once 
> again. “We’re beginning to think that if an applicant passes an amateur radio 
> license exam it should mean that he or she actually knows something,” she 
> said.
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