Allen, I don't recall seeing you during my shift either this year or last so 
mightn’t it be possible that we’re talking about significantly different 
experiences? Also, you weren't a party to a prior discussion on this topic so 
you’re unavoidably unaware of my “forced expertise” on the matter. I don’t have 
time to rehash everything, but the short strokes were that computers and 
network equipment don’t always generate the interference you may associate with 
computers. Worse, if you gather a small horde of those things together, you get 
the broad spectrum hash most operators think is power-related. Desktops are 
more prone to cause interference because of their cables (among other things). 
No matter how well shielded, any cable is still a potential antenna. That’s one 
reason why I phased out desktops years ago.


Why are K3 owners so defensive about their radios? :)


From: Allen Brier N5XZ <> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 22:59
To: 'Scott Royall' <>; 'Jim Blanca' <>; 
Cc: 'Curt Fletcher' <>; 'NIzar Mullani' 
<>;; 'Mike Hardwick' <>;;; 'Doug Seyler' <>; 'Jimmy 
Vance' <>
Subject: RE: [BVARC] FD thoughts




First of all, this issue wasn’t at night, it was during the day when the temp 
got up to 82 while set far below it. Therefore, I think portable A/C units will 
definitely help, as long as the panel board (circuit breaker panel) will 
support them. However, I appreciate your observation that the T-stats are 
locked. Another issue we will have to resolve before next year. 


Second, there were no more computers there this year than last year, AND they 
were the same computers as last year AND the noise was clearly sounding like AC 
line interference, not like computers, so doubtful it was them. The electronic 
equipment was almost exactly what we used last year, with the exception that 
radios were all K3’s which were certainly NOT generating the noise. Reports 
from most operators was that the noise was much worse than last year. In 
addition, Nizar used a portable radio and we identified areas where noise 
seemed to be emanating from which hopefully we will be able to either turn off 
next year or, with Jeff’s help, positively identify and fix. Overthinking? I 
don’t think so. I think I thought just about right. 


Allen R. Brier N5XZ

1515 Windloch Lane

Richmond, Texas 77406-2553

(281) 342-1882 (Home)

(713) 705-4801 (Cell)


From: Scott Royall [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 9:29 PM
To: 'Allen Brier N5XZ' < <> >; 'Jim 
Blanca' < <> >; 'BRAZOS VALLEY 
Cc: 'Curt Fletcher' < <> 
>; 'NIzar Mullani' < <> >; <> ; 'Mike Hardwick' < 
<> >; <> ; <> ; 'Doug Seyler' < 
<> >; 'Jimmy Vance' < 
<> >
Subject: RE: [BVARC] FD thoughts


Am I the only one who noticed that the thermostat was locked on 78—and reading 
78—until it automatically switched to 75 at 3 a.m.? Did we forget that Duhacsek 
Park, while being a spread I would've loved to retire to, is still run by the 
government? That means said thermostat is likely set to comply with 
governmental policy. Yes, I had a little “chat” with that thermostat during the 
wee hours of boredom Sunday, instantly discovering that it was a Honeywell unit 
virtually identical to mine. Those puppies are both programmable and 
password-lockable, which Duhacsek was. There’s also the strong possibility 
that, if you did bring in portable a/cs, you’d trigger the thermostat to turn 
on the central heat. That would depend on whether the thermostat is in “full 
automatic” mode as mine is, and what the setpoints are. Instead of trying to 
beat the system, why not simply ask the powers that be to unlock it?


As for the interference, I suspect you’re vastly over-thinking the problem 
because it was present to a lesser degree last year too. Although the steps you 
list should help some, I think the crux of the issue is the mushrooming scale 
of the computer equipment you’re so reliant on. Please don’t believe me. Simply 
shut down everything except the radios for a short period after midnight next 
year and listen for yourself.


From: Allen Brier N5XZ < <> > 
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 18:57
To: 'Jim Blanca' < <> >; 'BRAZOS 
Cc: 'Curt Fletcher' < <> 
>; 'NIzar Mullani' < <> >; 'Scott 
Royall' < <> >; 
<> ; 'Mike Hardwick' < 
<> >; <> ; <> ; 'Doug Seyler' < 
<> >; 'Jimmy Vance' < 
<> >
Subject: RE: [BVARC] FD thoughts


For Field Day next year we will (or should):


1.      Have Jeff Hoke from CenterPoint Energy come out several months before 
FD and then again several weeks before.
2.      Locate the main antennas East<->West of each other to minimize 
interstation interference.
3.      Route digital feed lines separate from CW feed lines.
4.      Investigate the use of some portable A/C units.
5.      Investigate the use of coax stubs to further reduce interstation 
6.      KEEP THE SAME COOK! (Great job on food!)
7.      KEEP THE SAME NETWORK GUY! (Great job on computers, networking, 
software, etc. We are really lucky to have you, Glen!)
8.      Suggest either TDXS or BVARC purchase a new 2-el 40m beam.
9.      Put CW antennas on highest manlifts.
10.     Investigate the use of a manual switch to switch radios from mains to 
generator (to eliminate last minute confusion…or) switch radios to generator 
well before 1pm.
11.     Make sure GOTA station operators know the rules.


I thought this was one of our best Field Days yet, due to the new location 
(irrespective of noise). Hopefully we can work out the noise issues with 
CenterPoint or fix whatever is making the noise in the house. The house and the 
land were a big improvement over what we have had in the past. The 
participation by other clubs (especially KARS) was a big plus. We may need to 
make some more rules, especially with respect to moving headsets around in the 
SSB room…or make sure all are setup the same way. We also need a greater push 
with the SSB operators regarding operating technique to maximize rate (teach 
them to run). 


I am also dumbfounded and extremely disappointed in the lack of participation 
by other TDXS members. I suggest we make a push again for next year, but we 
need to start six months in advance so that they do not make other plans first. 


I know I have other thoughts and will express them as soon as they come to the 
front of my mind.


Allen R. Brier N5XZ

1515 Windloch Lane

Richmond, Texas 77406-2553

(281) 342-1882 (Home)

(713) 705-4801 (Cell)


From: Jim Blanca [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 4:39 PM
Cc: Allen R. Brier < <> >; Curt 
Fletcher < <> >; NIzar 
Mullani < <> >; Scott Royall 
< <> >; 
Subject: Re: [BVARC] FD thoughts


Like Scott, I had the over night shift.  I started at the beginning and 
finished around 4:30 AM- 5:00AM, when Nizar came to rescue me!  I went home and 
slept for a couple of hours, then went to Church.  I returned about 1/2 hour 
before the end with my wife (KD8CMB) and tried to get her to work a little SSB. 
 Alas, no luck, but she did sign in!!


I did not do much of the take down, except move some tables and chairs, as my 
grandson decided to be born on June 25th, and he takes priority!  We had his 
7th birthday party at our place.  Can you imagine a house full of kids, right 
after field day, and having only a couple hours of sleep!!  


I agree wholeheartedly with Nizar’s and Curt’s comments.  I am somewhat 
dumbfounded at the lack of participation from the TDXS, as I believe there were 
approximately 6 of us in attendance, although I could be wrong on that number 
and just missed folks who came out on Sunday morning.


73 de Jim - KE8G 




On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 12:21 PM Scott Royall via BVARC < 
<> > wrote:

Happy that you enjoyed it. My experience was a bit different since I had the 
overnight shift, but I second your action items.

-----Original Message-----
From: BVARC < <> > On 
Behalf Of NIzar Mullani via BVARC
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 11:13
To: 'Curt Fletcher' < <> 
>; 'Allen R. Brier' < <> >
Cc: NIzar Mullani < <> >; <> ; 'BRAZOS VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO 
CLUB' < <> >
Sub: Re: [BVARC] FD thoughts

Overall evaluation of the QUAD club FD would have to be 4+ out of 5. Great 
location, great teamwork and great people. Most importantly, the bands opened 
up on Sunday for a great ending. 3,000 QSOs considering that we had high noise 
on 40 and 80 meters and no propagation on 15 and 10 on Saturday, is a great 
score. So, thank you to ALL the organizers and the clubs for making this very 

Here are a couple of suggestions to make it even better for next year.
1. Trace the noise generator prior to FD so we can reduce it. S9 noise on 80 
meters made it almost useless. We could not hear most of the signals. 
2. Locate the antennas so as to minimize interference between SSB, CW and 
Digital modes antennas. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Curt Fletcher [ 
<> ] 
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 7:20 AM
To: Nizar Mullani; Allen R. Brier
Subject: FD thoughts

A few random thoughts on FD.  For a few years I thought TDXS should break away 
and do our own FD, I’m wrong.  There isn’t enough TDXS members participating to 
put up a tent, throw a rock over a tree with a long wire on the end. The BVARC 
and Katy guys really did a great job with just about everything hardware 
related.  The current arrangement is perfect for all concerned, Glen and Allen 
organizing computers and radios, BVARC guys towers and antennas, Katy guys 
organizing, labor and sweat. 
New location is far superior to the fire stations. Obviously figuring out the 
noise issue prior to FD would be nice. 

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