A couple of thoughts about the dance below:
1. If no one on this list knows it, an email to Nils might be the next step. I have found him quite happy to respond to requests! 2. If I were to make an educated guess, I would say that it might be an Al Olson dance. 3. The ladies grand chain is actually to the diagonal opposite, rather than the opposite neighbor across. Perhaps a small point, but an important distinction when it comes to calling/teaching Four Face Four (Mescolanza) formations. 4. The problem with changing the half grand chain to a star is that there will be time left over. A courtesy turn should take 4 counts of the music; if a half star is done, which should take about 4 counts of the music, the ladies will reach their diagonal opposites too soon, and have to wait 4 counts before doing the Balance and Swing. While it may not be the most flowing move to go from a courtesy turn into a balance and swing, it certainly is readily done, and the dancers can be playful with how they dance these moves.

If no one knows the dance, then I will be happy to get in touch with Nils!
warmly, Linda Leslie

On Feb 3, 2011, at 1:28 AM, Dave Colestock wrote:

I might not know the name, but for proper flow the A1 should be ladies RH Star, not a grand chain, which is always followed by a courtesy turn. In this dance there should be no courtesy turn, as the next move is a balance and swing with the opposite.

Dave Colestock
Harrisburg, PA

--- On Thu, 2/3/11, Rich Goss <richg...@comcast.net> wrote:

From: Rich Goss <richg...@comcast.net>
Subject: [Callers] Dance Name
To: "Shared Weight" <call...@sharedweight.net>
Date: Thursday, February 3, 2011, 1:11 AM

Danced a 4-face-4 dance tonight that Nils Fredland called. I wrote down the moves but forgot the name and author. I do remember that the author is from
Chicago.  Here are the moves:

A1:         Lines of 4 Forward and Back
Ladies Grand Chain (to Opposite)

A2:         Opposite Balance and Swing

B1: 8 Circle left 1/2, Gents in center, walk single file CCW 1x,
while Ladies walk CW 1/2

B2:         Partner Balance and Swing

Anyone recognize it.

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