I have it (also from nils) as follows. Nils mentioned at the time that it was a modification of the original (somewhat more complicated dance). Also notice that after the circle left it was a gents star rather than gents promenade -- for me that was a really cool moment in the dance...when the gents reach back for that Star and pop out of the circle. Possibly Nils has made more changes. At that point, it starts to really become a new dance, tho.

*Ring Around the Daisy (modified)*-- Shawn Brenneman4 Face 4

NOTE:*Very* circular for the ladies -- probably not one to call.

4 ladies chain to diagonal neighbor


B1All 8 Circle L 1/2
Ladies keep walking, gents star left 1x
Ladies continue walking in the same direction you were circling, Gents Reach back


On 2/3/2011 6:54 PM, Linda Leslie wrote:
A couple of thoughts about the dance below:
1. If no one on this list knows it, an email to Nils might be the next step. I have found him quite happy to respond to requests! 2. If I were to make an educated guess, I would say that it might be an Al Olson dance. 3. The ladies grand chain is actually to the diagonal opposite, rather than the opposite neighbor across. Perhaps a small point, but an important distinction when it comes to calling/teaching Four Face Four (Mescolanza) formations. 4. The problem with changing the half grand chain to a star is that there will be time left over. A courtesy turn should take 4 counts of the music; if a half star is done, which should take about 4 counts of the music, the ladies will reach their diagonal opposites too soon, and have to wait 4 counts before doing the Balance and Swing. While it may not be the most flowing move to go from a courtesy turn into a balance and swing, it certainly is readily done, and the dancers can be playful with how they dance these moves.

If no one knows the dance, then I will be happy to get in touch with Nils!
warmly, Linda Leslie

On Feb 3, 2011, at 1:28 AM, Dave Colestock wrote:

I might not know the name, but for proper flow the A1 should be ladies RH Star, not a grand chain, which is always followed by a courtesy turn. In this dance there should be no courtesy turn, as the next move is a balance and swing with the opposite.

Dave Colestock
Harrisburg, PA

--- On Thu, 2/3/11, Rich Goss <richg...@comcast.net> wrote:

From: Rich Goss <richg...@comcast.net>
Subject: [Callers] Dance Name
To: "Shared Weight" <call...@sharedweight.net>
Date: Thursday, February 3, 2011, 1:11 AM

Danced a 4-face-4 dance tonight that Nils Fredland called. I wrote down the moves but forgot the name and author. I do remember that the author is from
Chicago.  Here are the moves:

A1:         Lines of 4 Forward and Back
Ladies Grand Chain (to Opposite)

A2:         Opposite Balance and Swing

B1:         8 Circle left 1/2, Gents in center, walk single file CCW 1x,
while Ladies walk CW 1/2

B2:         Partner Balance and Swing

Anyone recognize it.

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