Hi Luke,

 I wonder if there are any dip&  dives that also have shadows...?

How about this? The ground hogs dip and dive with their shadow, say hello
to a neighbor, and find their partners again.

Becket (cw)

A1: LC; LC on left diagonal
A2: Circle Left 3/4 (8); Dip and Dive 2x (4+4)
(note everyone with a shadow, those facing down start diving under arch made by those facing up)
B1: N Bal & Swing
B2: Gents AL 1/2; 1/2 Hey  across (L start L sh); Partner Swing

note: the 1/2 hey across is unusual as partners are on the 'wrong' side of each other
         those who come off must participate where they can. i.e. A1b, A2b

contemplating a double-length (128 bar) dance where you meet your shadow
only every other time...

  4x4's like First Bloom by Al Olson have a corner swing which alternates
between neighbors and a trail buddy.

Cheers, Bill

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