I've been using "walk'round" and it appears acceptable to the dancers.  "Walk 
around" is already in the MWS jargon so I'm not creating new jargon.  

If I haven't been told not to use "gypsy" by the organizers then when I teach I 
say "gypsy walk'round"  and which shoulder to use and how to do it.  During the 
dance, I simply say "walk'round".and then never say "gypsy" again.  That seems 
to anchor the experienced dancers to know what I mean and I teach to the new 
dancers so they understand what's expected of them.  

There are so many folks on either side of this argument that unfortunately the 
callers are stuck in the middle.  Guilty if you do and if you don't.  Some 
dance organizers won't take a stand, others say you must use it, others say you 
may not use it.  There are still dancers who don't know what all the fuss is 
about.  We all have heard of people from that ethnic group who are honored to 
have the term used (and loved) in our dance, just as we've heard that people 
are offended.  

Believe it or not, I recently received an anonymous written comment that some 
dancers were upset that another caller used "Men" and "Women" rather than 
"Gents" and "Ladies".  Seems like folks are getting more and more intolerant if 
things are not just the way they want them to be.  

Donna Hunt



-----Original Message-----
From: Martha Wild via Callers <callers@lists.sharedweight.net>
To: John W Gintell <j...@gintell.org>
Cc: Caller's discussion list <call...@sharedweight.net>
Sent: Tue, Mar 13, 2018 4:36 pm
Subject: Re: [Callers] More substitute terms for the g-word

I don’t think right shoulder round is going to make the grade. It’s 
descriptive, certainly, but it is long and unwieldy and can’t be easily 
shortened to anything recognizable as you eliminate calls in the dance. So, I’m 
sorry, but I’m not going to be using it.

On Mar 13, 2018, at 12:53 PM, John W Gintell via Callers 
<callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

I think it would be best if only one term is used by callers at all dances. I 
think this quite important for beginners  (not necessarily just the first time) 
who face enough confusion learning the terminology. One of the reasons why 
beginners don’t return is that it is too confusing.

And I too like hearing right shoulder round because it is descriptive. 

On Mar 13, 2018, at 3:41 PM, Perry Shafran via Callers 
<callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

I happen to *like* right shoulder round and have liked it ever since three 
callers at a dance event used it and it went rather flawlessly.  I like the 
fact that it is actually descriptive in what you're doing.  I think that the 
more we try to invent made-up words to try to make it sound fun and whimsey, 
the more we are likely to upset dancers who don't like that we're changing 
terms as it is.  It may *sound* like a boring descriptor, but I feel my job as 
a caller is to describe the move and let the dancer decide what the mood is 
going to be for that individual dancer, based on their own feelings and their 
own connection to the music.  So I plan to stick with "right shoulder round".

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