On 12/10/2011 04:12 PM, ri...@happyleptic.org wrote:
What I'd really like is a way to mix any version I want of the packages I
install, especially experimental versions for the packages I want to test or
contribute to.
I stopped using GODI some time ago because I wanted master of ocaml and
batteries but stable versions of everything else.  So I ended up rolling my
own makefile-based installation/upgrade tool which is both annoying and

Is this in the planned feature list?

This is possible currently, by using the --stable, --testing and --unstable flags when installing different packages. Of course, the downside of this is that there's no guarantee or test of compatibility between packages and different versions of OCaml (and possibly each other). Oasis packages can have versioned dependencies, which helps, but the only real guarantee I think that odb can make is that the stable repo all works with each other. Maybe the testing repo too, sometimes, but definitely not the unstable repo.

The above all assumes that the versions you want are packaged and in oasis-db. Auto installation from repositories (or local directories) has been considered, but there's some more code to add, as currently the oasis-db server parses _oasis files for deps, and odb is designed to be extremely lightweight.

On that note, one more thing about odb - it has no configuration or database of what packages are installed. It doesn't even have the ability to remove a package (not that this couldn't be hacked up in not too much time for library packages). If you ask it to install a package, it checks for deps by asking findlib what's installed. It doesn't try to control things as much as GODI seems to. It just does the minimum necessary to get the job done. This means it plays as nicely as possible with packages installed by whatever other means you wish, even GODI.


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