I did not copy everyone on my response…

Jim Whitmore 

> On Jul 15, 2022, at 10:20 AM, Jim Whitmore <jj-whitm...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Alec, thanks for the note. These terms overlap and are sometimes the source 
> of confusion. I have been working with these resources for several years. My 
> observation is that the CWE definition is is not exactly what the data is, 
> and CAPEC definition could be less obtuse.
> In my mind...
> CAPEC is a catalog of attack patterns where an attack pattern is a behavior 
> and exploit associated with actions by bad actors and/or malware. 
> CWE is a catalog of descriptions of weaknesses, where a weakness is a 
> technology flaw, misconfiguration or oversight in design, integration and 
> operation that enable attacks by bad actors and malware or lead to unexpected 
> operating conditions. 
> The problem I see is that current CWE catalog only covers a subset of types 
> of weaknesses associated with technology (hardware and software). What I mean 
> is that CAPEC identifies attacks behaviors and exploits that have no 
> corresponding CWE.  This is true for about 25% of the CAPEC entries. 
> Analyzing the 25% of CAPEC entries, reveals that these CAPEC entries are 
> "enabled" by (a) abuses of normal function, (b) weaknesses in human behavior, 
> (c) etc. 
> Also, I suggest that CVE should be referenced as a catalog of instances of 
> CWEs.    
> I am happy to discuss further. 
> Jim Whitmore
>> On 07/13/2022 1:08 PM Alec J Summers <asumm...@mitre.org> wrote:
>> Dear CAPEC Research Community,
>> I hope this email finds you well.
>> Over the past few months, the CWE/CAPEC User Experience Working Group has 
>> been working to modernize our programs through a variety of activities. One 
>> such activity is harmonizing the definitions on our sites for some of our 
>> key terminology including weakness, vulnerability, and attack pattern. As 
>> CWE and CAPEC were developed separately and on a different timeline, some of 
>> the terms are not defined similarly, and we want to address that.
>> We are seeking feedback on our working definitions:
>> Vulnerability
>> A flaw in a software, firmware, hardware, or service component resulting 
>> from a weakness that can be exploited, causing a negative impact to the 
>> confidentiality, integrity, or availability of an impacted component or 
>> components (from CVE®)
>> Weakness
>> A type of flaw or defect inserted during a product lifecycle that, under the 
>> right conditions, could contribute to the introduction of vulnerabilities in 
>> a range of products made by different vendors
>> Attack Pattern
>> The common approach and attributes related to the exploitation of a 
>> weakness, usually in cyber-enabled capabilities
>> Note: CVE’s definition for ‘vulnerability’ was agreed upon after significant 
>> community deliberation, and we are not looking to change it at this time.
>> We are hoping to publish new, improved definitions on our websites at the 
>> end of the month. Please provide thoughts and comments by Tuesday, July 26.
>> Cheers,
>> Alec
>> -- 
>> Alec J. Summers
>> Center for Securing the Homeland (CSH)
>> Cyber Security Engineer, Principal
>> Group Lead, Cybersecurity Operations and Integration
>> ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
>> MITRE - Solving Problems for a Safer World™

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