Thanks for the reminder Alec,

I'm bothered by the Weakness definition, specifically "type of flaw or defect 
inserted..."  because I think this presumes too much.  I'm tossing this into 
the ring for consideration. It incorporates some of the ideas that others 

Weakness: A condition that under the right circumstances begins a process or 
combines with other weaknesses to cause a harm in a product or system.

The key is that a weakness is a condition; it may include human and process 
flaws.  A weakness begins or contribute to that chain of circumstances that 
results in a vulnerability/harm.


From: Alec J Summers <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2022 2:39 PM
To: CAPEC Researcher Discussion <>
Subject: FW: CWE/CAPEC Definitions

Just a soft follow-up and reminder that we are seeking comment from our CAPEC 
researcher community on the proposed definitions by next Tuesday, July 26. If 
you have already responded - thank you!


Alec J. Summers
Center for Securing the Homeland (CSH)
Cyber Security Engineer, Principal
Group Lead, Cybersecurity Operations and Integration
MITRE - Solving Problems for a Safer World(tm)

From: Alec J Summers <<>>
Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 1:08 PM
To: CAPEC Researcher Discussion 
Subject: CWE/CAPEC Definitions
Dear CAPEC Research Community,

I hope this email finds you well.

Over the past few months, the CWE/CAPEC User Experience Working Group has been 
working to modernize our programs through a variety of activities. One such 
activity is harmonizing the definitions on our sites for some of our key 
terminology including weakness, vulnerability, and attack pattern. As CWE and 
CAPEC were developed separately and on a different timeline, some of the terms 
are not defined similarly, and we want to address that.

We are seeking feedback on our working definitions:

A flaw in a software, firmware, hardware, or service component resulting from a 
weakness that can be exploited, causing a negative impact to the 
confidentiality, integrity, or availability of an impacted component or 
components (from CVE(r))
A type of flaw or defect inserted during a product lifecycle that, under the 
right conditions, could contribute to the introduction of vulnerabilities in a 
range of products made by different vendors
Attack Pattern
The common approach and attributes related to the exploitation of a weakness, 
usually in cyber-enabled capabilities

Note: CVE's definition for 'vulnerability' was agreed upon after significant 
community deliberation, and we are not looking to change it at this time.

We are hoping to publish new, improved definitions on our websites at the end 
of the month. Please provide thoughts and comments by Tuesday, July 26.


Alec J. Summers
Center for Securing the Homeland (CSH)
Cyber Security Engineer, Principal
Group Lead, Cybersecurity Operations and Integration
MITRE - Solving Problems for a Safer World(tm)

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