I tried rolling back glibc and that did fix the XST error issue, but other
issues are now surfacing so i've opened a 'Webcase' with Xilinx and will
hopefully hear back from them soon.


On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 7:58 PM, John Ford <jf...@nrao.edu> wrote:

> > I need to check some logs, but I do
> > think somebody did some  of the
> > CentOS updates that were announced
> > "available" by the CentOS system
> > updater. I don't see the reference
> > to the glibc problem in recent
> > CASPER email.
> May mail seems to have bounced that I sent.  In any case, there is a bug
> in xst that double-frees some memory, triggering glibc to throw a memory
> exception and scream and die.  We rolled back our glibc and it fixed the
> problem.  Well, it masks the problem...
> Sorry about the lack of info!
> John
> >
> >>> A new problem is preventing me from
> >>> compiling even simple models with
> >>> bee_xps. For example, when I compile
> >>> a model containing only the system
> >>> generator, XSB Core Config, Xilinx
> >>> constants and CASPER software
> >>> registers, I receive the following
> >>> messages from bee_xps.
> >>>
> >>> Detected Linux OS
> >>> #############################
> >>> ##      System Update      ##
> >>> #############################
> >>> #############################
> >>> ## Block objects creation  ##
> >>> #############################
> >>> ######################
> >>> ## Checking objects ##
> >>> ######################
> >>> Running system generator ...
> >>> Error using ==> gen_xps_files at 328
> >>> XSG generation failed: ?
> >>>
> >>> I am using Xilinx 11.1 and Matlab
> >>> R2009a on CentOS Linux with the
> >>> mlib_devel_10_1 library. I was not
> >>> having this trouble until recently.
> >>> Other people use my computer, but
> >>> they know to avoid changing my
> >>> installations.
> >>>
> >>> I attached a simple MDL file that
> >>> produces the error messages shown
> >>> above. What is causing gen_xps_files
> >>> to have trouble at 328?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> Hi Ron.  This sounds strangely like the glibc problem I mentioned last
> >> week.  Did any messages from the OS come up in the window you started
> >> the
> >> matlab session from?
> >>
> >> You might check to see if anyone updated your glibc lately.
> >>
> >> I'll try your mdl tomorrow and see what happens.  I don't have access to
> >> a
> >> toolset right now.
> >>
> >> John
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

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