hi tom,

you might consider using the vegas mode 1 spectrometer design:
1024 channels, dual pol, 1.5 GHz bandwidth (3 Gsps),
full stokes, roach I, 4 tap polyphase,

best wishes,


On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 2:32 AM, Tom Kuiper <kui...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:

> On 08/29/2012 02:30 AM, Jason Manley wrote:
>> If you take a look at the pocket correlator design (tutorial 4), you'll
>> find that it does four inputs of 400MHz bandwidth (800Msps). I think it has
>> 4-tap PFBs with 1024 channels by default, which fits into a ROACH-1. If you
>> forfeit two of the inputs, you should be able to get at least twice the
>> channel resolution. If there's BRAM left over, you should be able to get
>> even more.
> I forgot to mention that we need a bandwidth of at least 640 MHz.
> Tom
>> Jason
>> On 29 Aug 2012, at 11:19, Tom Kuiper wrote:
>>> Thanks for that, Jason!  It is very timely.  The reason I went down this
>>> path is because I have a spectrometer design, by Joseph Trinh, which takes
>>> a slightly different approach to bram access and so I could not use the
>>> katcp_wrapper which I'd been using with your 16K spectrometer.  He'd
>>> offered to modify it but I thought it cool to try the file access I/O.  I
>>> think as a result of this exchange, I'll ask Joseph to modify his design
>>> and I'll start using pyro.
>>> I hope he can squeeze it into a ROACH-1.  He's got a 2x1024 spectrometer
>>> design for me now but had to drop the PFBs because of insufficient
>>> resources.  I'm asking him to try 2x512 with PFBs.  Does anyone already
>>> have something like that?
>>> Next time around we'll use ROACH-2 but at the time we placed the orders
>>> we weren't sure that the support for that would evolve fast enough to meet
>>> our deadline (next month).
>>> Cheers
>>> Tom
>>> On 08/29/2012 01:09 AM, Jason Manley wrote:
>>>> On 29 Aug 2012, at 02:44, Adam Barta wrote:
>>>>> You could also try an ssh port forward to the katcp port ssh -vNL
>>>>> 7147:roach:7147 gateway
>>>>> Then use the katcp interface to read / write the registers. There is a
>>>>> katcp_wrapper.py in the corr library
>>>> I would like to re-inforce this suggestion if you need SSH tunnelling
>>>> through a firewall. A general word of warning to the CASPER community,
>>>> which we also explained at the recent workshop...
>>>> MeerKAT will not be supporting filesystem-level access in future boards
>>>> (quite possibly starting with ROACH-2 already) and so, unless someone else
>>>> in the collaboration picks it up, you'll be on your own if you write custom
>>>> software to run on the PPC/BORPH because new platforms might not even run
>>>> BORPH at all. There are a number of reasons for this decision, one being
>>>> that we've run into performance limitations with BORPH, but also that it's
>>>> a big overhead to port and debug and to keep it running reliably.
>>>> The only interface supported by SKA-SA will be through KATCP. So if you
>>>> start using the KATCP interface now, you'll have a transparent upgrade path
>>>> to future boards. I'd suggest you don't worry yourself too much with the
>>>> low-level detail... this is part of what CASPER tries to abstract away to
>>>> ease your life as an instrument designer.
>>>> If you don't want to write your own KATCP interface (and who does?!),
>>>> consider using one of the existing ones. The best developed ones are in c
>>>> (which includes a command-line executable for a single-line, ipython-like
>>>> interactive experience from the shell prompt if you just want to call a
>>>> shell script with a bunch of commands), available at
>>>> https://github.com/ska-sa/**katcp_devel<https://github.com/ska-sa/katcp_devel>,
>>>> or a number of CASPER collaborators are using the python wrapper from corr
>>>> if you want to build a higher-level GUI application. You can find a
>>>> one-page getting started guide here: https://casper.berkeley.edu/**
>>>> wiki/Corr <https://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/Corr>
>>>> Jason
>>> --
>>> I or me? 
>>> http://www.oxforddictionaries.**com/page/145<http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/page/145>
> --
> I or me? 
> http://www.oxforddictionaries.**com/page/145<http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/page/145>

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