On Sat, Jan 12, 2008 at 11:18:21AM +0800, Martin Ellison wrote:
> I have a similar problem, but I am on shared hosting and I do not have
> access to httpd.conf, only to the local .htaccess files. I have the static
> plugin set up so we are delivering HTML, image files and other static pages
> via Catalyst, but similarly to Alejandro I would like to serve up the pages
> directly from Apache.
> I have tried using mod_rewrite but it seems to be an invention of the
> Adversary designed to lead us into despair. Has anyone managed to serve
> static files directly using just .htaccess?

Get your own copy of apache and whack the rewrite debug level to 9; then you
can figure it all out locally.

mod_rewrite is baroque but it's not that hard to work out once you've got
the debug info.

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