On November 29 I saw a flock of about 60 Snow Geese flying over Knox-Marsellus 
marsh. They were taking off, but possible staying local. I did not see any 
there the next day. 

- - Dave Nutter

> On Dec 9, 2024, at 2:41 PM, William Evans <wrev...@clarityconnect.com> wrote:
> Last year in mid-December, folks were seeing flocks of thousands of Snow 
> Geese in the Cayuga Basin. It doesn't appear that is the case this year.  The 
> colder air and northerly winds last week seemed to only produce southbound 
> flocks of Canada Geese.  Is the main flight of Snows still to our north, or 
> did they pass southward to our east or west this year?  Or is avian flu the 
> culprit?  I saw a note a few days ago of people in Kansas seeing Snow Geese 
> fall out of the sky there (carcasses later testing positive for avian flu).
> Bill Evans
> Danby
> ****************************
> Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2024 8:57 AM
> Subject: Snow geese
> I just had a small flock of snow geese fly low over my house near Auburn on 
> rt 20. They were flying west. 
> --
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