Is the water molecule in question coordinated to any other group(s)? 

-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Kevin
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] On pKa of Aspartic acid

As we know, the pKa of water is 15.7. Under pH 7.0, its protonation
should be 50/50.
In this case, we may need to consider water in two formats:

H2O vs. H3O+

When we say water as acid, it usually stands for H3O+ in chemistry. In
chemical equation, H+ represents H3O+.

In enzyme catalysis, water as a general acid sounds reasonable under
pH 7.0. In some famous paper, water has been concluded as the general
base (pKa 15.7) to deprotonate an alpha hydrogen (pKa ~ 22) or a
hydrogen from a sp3 hybridized carbon (pKa ~36). This logic may need
to be reconsidered.
Recently, I have read papers for pKa perturbation. I am also
interested in the general base of Asp and Glu in enzyme catalysis.

I will be very happy to read your paper in the future.


Kevin Jin

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 3:48 AM, Deepak Oswal <> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> We have solved the crystal structure of a human enzyme. The pKa of a
> catalytically critical aspartic acid has increased to 6.44. It is hydrogen
> bonded (2.8 Angstroms) to a water molecule that is supposed to donate a
> proton during the catalysis. Can anybody help me a) interpret the
> significance of this increase in pKa of the aspartic acid from 3.8 to 6.44
> in context with the catalysis? Is this advantageous or detrimental? b) How
> is pKa related to an amino acids' ability to force a water molecule to
> donate a proton? c) At pH 7.4, the aspartic acid would be de-protonated
> irrespective of whether the pKa is 3.8 or 6.44; isn't that true? d) Have
> similar increase in pKa values observed for aspartic acids before? I would
> be grateful if anybody could explain or comment on the above queries.
> Deepak Oswal

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