I wonder why you assume know there are "about 20 point mutation sites” if "this 
protein is an unknown protein”.
It looks like you are comparing the sequence of a protein you do not know what 
it is to the sequence of a protein you dont really know what it is (1).

I would consider it more likely, it is the E. coli protein and the electron 
density is ambigious so some side chains might have been erronously assigned to 
a false identity.


Percy: You know, they do say that the Infanta's eyes are more beautiful than 
the famous Stone of Galveston. 
Edmund: Mm! ... What?
Percy: The famous Stone of Galveston, My Lord.
Edmund: And what's that, exactly?
Percy: Well, it's a famous blue stone, and it comes ... from Galveston.
Edmund: I see. And what about it?
Percy: Well, My Lord, the Infanta's eyes are bluer than it, for a start.
Edmund: I see. And have you ever seen this stone?
Percy: (nods) No, not as such, My Lord, but I know a couple of people who have, 
and they say it's very very blue indeed. 
Edmund: And have these people seen the Infanta's eyes?
Percy: No, I shouldn't think so, My Lord.
Edmund: And neither have you, presumably.
Percy: No, My Lord.
Edmund: So, what you're telling me, Percy, is that something you have never 
seen is slightly less blue than something else you have never seen.

>> Dear CCP4bb,
>> In 2014, I collected a high quality data set from a crystal. But I could not 
>> solve the structure of that crystal because this protein is a contaminate.
>> Recently, I used StruBE's Contaminer and fortunately got the solution. 
>> Thanks ContaMiner!!!  This protein is a contaminate protein.
>> However, I found this protein is an unknown protein (about 180 residues) 
>> whose amino acid sequence is not totally same as E.coli. There are about 20 
>> point mutation sites comparing to the E.coli protein. This means this 
>> protein may be from an unknown bacteria.
>> The space group of this crystal is new. There is also a new ligand in this 
>> protein.
>> My question is how could I found the primary structure of this protein and 
>> how to deposit this protein in PDB.
>> Best regards,
>> Jiyong
> ----

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