Dear Stephen,
A particularly well informed advisor would be your likely collaborator, your 
neutron facility scientist. Anyway please do read section 5 of
Best wishes,
Emeritus Professor John R Helliwell DSc

> On 19 Feb 2020, at 10:22, "" 
> < wrote:
> Dear CCP4 community,
> I have an impending trip to a neutron source and was wondering how people 
> tend to
> ship their samples prior to beam time?  Is sending something frozen best or 
> is sealed in a capillary more sensible or is there another better way?  One 
> caveat is that ideally my sample should remain anaerobic which has me leaning 
> towards frozen, but I guess in pcr type tubes sealed in gas tight vessels is 
> also a viable option?
> Any thoughts or suggestions are very much appreciated.
> Best wishes,
> Steve
> Dr Stephen Carr
> Research Complex at Harwell (RCaH)
> Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
> Harwell Oxford
> Didcot
> Oxon OX11 0FA
> United Kingdom
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