May be useful if not already mentioned 

Ten things I `hate' about refinement 
Pietro Roversi and Dale E. Tronrud 

Jean Cavarelli 
Professor of Structural Biology 
"Structural biology of epigenetic targets" 
Department of Integrated structural biology 
phone : +33 (0)3 69 48 52 74 

De: "Jan Dohnalek" <> 
À: "ccp4bb" <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> 
Envoyé: Lundi 17 Janvier 2022 09:39:33 
Objet: Re: [ccp4bb] Validation of structure prediction 

I think quite a bit of this "inconsistency" with protein structures comes from 
the fact that with our larger globules it is much more true that our model is 
an approximate time and space average of something that could have the ideal 
I.e. the way we are trying to represent the density is actually not that 
appropriate. The only "improvement" to this I think is the multiple model 

My 2 c. 


On Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 9:29 PM James Holton < [ | ] > wrote: 

On 1/13/2022 11:14 AM, Tristan Croll wrote: 

(please don’t actually do this) 

Too late! I've been doing that for years. What happens, of course, is the 
"geometry" improves, but the R factors go through the roof. This I expect comes 
as no surprise to anyone who has played with the "weight" parameters in 
refinement, but maybe it should? What is it about our knowledge of chemical 
bond lengths, angles, and radii that is inconsistent with the electron density 
of macromolecules, but not small molecules? Why do macro-models have a burning 
desire to leap away from the configuration we know they adopt in reality? If 
you zoom in on those "bad clashes" individually, they don't look like something 
that is supposed to happen. There is a LOT of energy stored up in those little 
springs. I have a hard time thinking that's for real. The molecule is no doubt 
doing something else and we're just not capturing it properly. There is 
information to be had here, a lot of information. 

This is why I too am looking for an all-encompassing "geometry score". Right 
now I'm multiplying other scores together: 

score = (1+Clashscore)*sin(worst_omega)*1./(1+worst_rama)*1/(1+worst_rota) 

where things like worst_rama is the "%score" given to the worst Ramachandran 
angle by phenix.ramalyze, and worst_bond is the largest "residual" reported 
among all the bonds in the structure by molprobity or 
phenix.geometry_minimization. For "worst_nonbond" I'm plugging the observed and 
ideal distances into a Leonard-Jones6-12 potential to convert it into an 
"energy" that is always positive. 

With x-ray data in hand, I've been multiplying this whole thing by Rwork and 
trying to find clever ways to minimize the product. Rfree is then, as always, 
the cross-check. 

Or does someone have a better idea? 

-James Holton 
MAD Scientist 

On 1/13/2022 11:14 AM, Tristan Croll wrote: 


Hard but not impossible - even when you *are* fitting to low-res density. See [ | ] for example 
- no Ramachandran outliers, 1.3% sidechain outliers, clashscore of 2... yet 
multiple regions out of register by anywhere up to 15 residues! I never 
publicly named the structure (although I did share my rebuilt model with the 
authors), but the videos and images in that thread should be enough to 
illustrate the scale of the problem. 

And that was *with* a map to fit! Take away the map, and run some MD energy 
minimisation (perhaps with added Ramachandran and rotamer restraints), and I 
think it would be easy to get your model to fool most “simple” validation 
metrics (please don’t actually do this). The upshot is that I still think 
validation of predicted models in the absence of at least moderate-resolution 
experimental data is still a major challenge requiring very careful thought. 

— Tristan 

On 13 Jan 2022, at 18:41, James Holton < [ | ] > wrote: 


Agree with Pavel. 

Something I think worth adding is a reminder that the MolProbity score only 
looks at bad clashes, ramachandran and rotamer outliers. 


It pays no attention whatsoever to twisted peptide bonds, C-beta deviations, 
and, for that matter, bond lengths and bond angles. If you tweak your weights 
right you can get excellent MP scores, but horrible "geometry" in the 
traditional bonds-and-angles sense. The logic behind this kind of validation is 
that normally nonbonds and torsions are much softer than bond and angle 
restraints and therefore fertile ground for detecting problems. Thus far, I am 
not aware of any "Grand Unified Score" that combines all geometric 
considerations, but perhaps it is time for one? 

Tristan's trivial solution aside, it is actually very hard to make all the 
"geometry" ideal for a real-world fold, and especially difficult to do without 
also screwing up the agreement with density (R factor). I would argue that if 
you don't have an R factor then you should get one, but I am interested in 
opinions about alternatives. 

I.E. What if we could train an AI to predict Rfree by looking at the 

-James Holton 
MAD Scientist 

On 12/21/2021 9:25 AM, Pavel Afonine wrote: 


Hi Reza, 

If you think about it this way... Validation is making sure that the model 
makes sense, data make sense and model-to-data fit make sense, then the answer 
to your question is obvious: in your case you do not have experimental data (at 
least in a way we used to think of it) and so then of these three validation 
items you only have one, which, for example, means you don’t have to report 
things like R-factors or completeness in high-resolution shell. 

Really, the geometry of an alpha helix does not depend on how you determined 
it: using X-rays or cryo-EM or something else! So, most (if not all) model 
validation tools still apply. 


On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 8:10 AM Reza Khayat < [ | ] > wrote: 



Can anyone suggest how to validate a predicted structure? Something similar to 
wwPDB validation without the need for refinement statistics. I realize this is 
a strange question given that the geometry of the model is anticipated to be 
fine if the structure was predicted by a server that minimizes the geometry to 
improve its statistics. Nonetheless, the journal has asked me for such a 
report. Thanks. 

Best wishes, 


Reza Khayat, PhD 
Associate Professor 
City College of New York 
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 
New York, NY 10031 

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Jan Dohnalek, Ph.D 
Institute of Biotechnology 
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 
Prumyslova 595 
252 50 Vestec near Prague 
Czech Republic 

Tel. +420 325 873 758 

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