
as previously suggested you can use AceDRG to generate a cif file for your
ligand by input different type of files (SMILES, mmCIF, SDF/MOL, and SYBYL
MOL2 files).

You can use the AceDRG command line:

or via ccp4i2, 'Ligands' menu, 'make ligand-AceDRG'.

> Dear CCP4 Users,
> I am working with data containing a possible complex of protein with
> FESAN (iron bis(1,2-dicarbollide)). Unfortunately, to my knowledge, this
> ligand is not available in PDB. The closest molecule is COSAN (cobalt
> bis(1,2-dicarbollide)), which is labelled as CB5 and is available in two
> PDB entries. I can load this molecule into Coot, but attempts at ligand
> search or refinement of the manually matched molecule result in freezing
> of the Coot window. FESAN is not present in CCDC as a single molecule,
> but only in some complexes. Could you give me some advice on how to
> prepare a new ligand like this one, for incorporation into the protein
> and further refinement?
> Best regards,
> Rafal Dolot
> --
> |----------------------------------------------|
> |Rafal Dolot, Ph.D.                            |
> |                                              |
> |Polish Academy of Sciences                    |
> |Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies|
> |Division of Bioorganic Chemistry              |
> |Macromolecular Crystallography Laboratory     |
> |Sienkiewicza 112                              |
> |90-363 Lodz, Poland                           |
> |Phone: +48(42)6803325                         |
> |Cell:  +48 502897781                          |
> |----------------------------------------------|
> ########################################################################
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Lucrezia Catapano
PhD student
Murshudov Group
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Francis Crick Avenue
Cambridge CB2 0QH
United Kingdom


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