Hi! I'm fully interested on the first point, I posted a thread about AI too,
I'm not sure if you read about it, my name is Henry. Anyway, I want to work
on it, I think I can improve this implementation and add new features too.
I'm going to check this carefully this week. If you have any question or
comment please let me know.


2009/3/31 <smd...@student.cs.york.ac.uk>

> Thank you Scott that clarifies my queries and I can now appreciate why the
> vagueness of the 3rd project makes it unnacceptable. My concern now is
> that I find it hard to choose between the other two projects as I am very
> keen to pursue both. Is it acceptable to submit two proposals to crystal
> space? As I am happy to work on whichever is more desired by the CS
> community. Or should I try to gauge interest on this thread and submit one
> formal proposal for one of the two projects?
> To anyone else still reading, could you please post any interest in either
> of the following projects:
> 1.) Pathfinding And Steering
>  -Move the current A* implementation to a HPA* implementation to improve
> performance
>  -Fully implementing the steering examples from Craig Reynolds work
>  -Improving the interaction between steering and nav-meshes to provide
> usable performance
>  2.) Refactoring Quest
> -Standardise the quest system to fit the current standards for property
> classes.
> -Allow for nesting FSMs, direct linking of CEL properties to Quest
> properties
> -Freeing the triggers from within Quest so that access to them is
> available throughout CEL where they may find other uses in future
> expanisions (I.e Behaviour Trees.)
> -Explore the potential of inspiration from the UML techniques highlighted
> by Pablo
> And as I am trying to expand my knowledge of the existing quest system,
> could anyone point me in the direction of documentation regarding this
> that I may have missed. I have already read the CEL User documentation,
> browsed the source code and the CEL diagram that I found very useful
> inside the Developers Whiteboard.
> Kind Regards,
> Sam.
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