The reason I thought this topic was appropriate for team-cellml, is
because it is specifically talking about our project team.

David Nickerson wrote:
>>>> I see the project team is being the core management team for the CellML 
>>>> project - essentially the group that should be making the decisions when 
>>>> consensus can't be reached and setting the goals for the future of the 
>>>> CellML project. Although I'm really not too sure who would be included 
>>>> in such a group.
>> At present, CellML meetings are open to anyone who wants to attend 
>> (although obviously the fact that they are held in Auckland limits that 
>> set from a lot of people who want to attend), and 'final' decisions are 
>> made at the meetings by whoever turns up.
> I would really like to see a move away from this toward an actual 
> project management team. The current approach seems a bit too arbitrary 
> to me.
>> In terms of the policy for allocating addresses, we don't want to become 
>> a free e-mail redirection host for anyone on the Internet, but I think 
>> as long as someone at least has some connection with CellML, they should 
>> be allowed an alias (subject to review of what that alias is to ensure 
>> it is unlikely to cause confusion or conflict with future lists / 
>> aliases we might want to assign).
>> I suggest that we simply give an alias to anyone who asks 
>> for one and has a demonstrated interest of some kind in the CellML 
>> project (whether they are a modeller using CellML, a tool developer, or 
>> interested in some of the theoretical or mathematical aspects of 
>> CellML). Simply providing a form to fill out providing details to list, 
>> and having someone briefly review them should be sufficient to keep out 
>> people who just want the e-mail alias.
> While I am unsure how much interest or usefulness there is in providing 
> such a service, I guess I have no problems with this suggestion. 
> Although it will require input from the Auckland IT team as to what is 
> required to implement such a service for a larger group than the core 
> management team as we were originally discussing.
>>>>> P.S. Peter is away from today until the 20th July, getting back to the
>>>>> office on the 23rd, if you didn't get the email.
>>>> I would like to see this mailing list used as more of place for decision 
>>>> making so that things like this shouldn't affect the project.
>> I think is much more appropriate for such 
>> discussions than the team-cellml list, to which only e-mails which are 
>> unlikely to be relevant outside of the Auckland group should be sent. 
>> This has been agreed on at CellML meetings (before you were working on 
>> the CellML project), and unless that decision is revisited I think we 
>> should all try to abide by it to ensure that no-one outside of Auckland 
>> who wants to contribute to CellML is unable to post (the list is 
>> publicly indexed so others could read it if they wanted to, but if they 
>> are not on the list they might be unaware that discussions are taking 
>> place).
> Now that you've redirected this thread to the cellml-discussion list I'm 
> really getting confused which mailing lists you are talking about? Last 
> time I tried the team-cellml archive was not publicly available outside 
> the UoA?? (just tried again, and that hasn't changed.)
> David.
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