Thanks @AndersMS for the care taken to address my concern, and thanks 
@davidhassell for the proposed revision.  A few minor comments:

1. I wonder if users could be given the freedom to do their interpolation at a 
_higher_ precision than specified by ``interpolation_precision``.  I would hate 
to think that the interpolation method would be degraded by doing so.  I 
suggest, therefore, replacing "the precision should match" with "the precision 
should match or exceed" or something similar.  Also, a comma should follow the 
introductory clause, "if the interpolation_precision attribute has been set to 
a numerical value" and typo in "calculatins" should be corrected.
2. I think we should avoid using a specified numerical value in a format that 
is language dependent.  Rather I would prefer following the IEEE 753 standard 
identifiers of precision.  Also, I think "interpolation_precision" might imply 
something about the accuracy of the interpolation method.  To avoid this 
confusion, perhaps the attribute could be named "computational_precision".  I 
therefore propose the following alternative:   
- By default, the user may use any precision they like for the interpolation 
calculations, but if accuracy requires a certain precision, the 
``calculational_precision`` attribute should be defined and set to one of the 
names defined by the IEEE 753 technical standard for floating point arithmetic 
(e.g., "decimal32", "decimal64", "decimal128").  If the 
``calculational_precision`` attribute has been defined, all interpolation 
calculations should be executed at the specified precision (or higher).

In the example, then, "0D" would be replaced by "decimal64".  

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