Hi  @taylor13 and @davidhassell, 

I am not fully up to date on the data types, but following the links that David 
sent, it appears that decimal64 is a base-10 floating-point number 
representation that _is intended for applications where it is necessary to 
emulate decimal rounding exactly, such as financial and tax computations._ I 
think we can disregard that for now.

binary32 and binary64 are the new official IEEE 754 names for what used to be 
called single- and double-precision floating-point numbers respectively, and is 
what most of us are familiar with.

I would suggest that we do not require a specific floating-point arithmetic 
standard to be used, but more a level of precision. If we adopt the naming 
convention proposed by David, it could look like:

By default, the user may use any floating-point arithmetic precision they like 
for the interpolation calculations. If the `computational_precision `attribute 
has been set then the precision should match or exceed the precision specified 
by `computational_precision `attribute. 

The allowed values of `computational_precision ` attribute are:

`"32":` 32-bit base-2 floating-point arithmetic, such as IEEE 754 binary32 or 
`"64"`: 64-bit base-2 floating-point arithmetic, such as IEEE 754 binary64 or 

I think that would archive what we are after, while leaving the implementers 
the freedom to use what their programming language and computing platform 

What do you think?

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