Dear All,

Regarding the wording of the section on computational precision attribute, I 
have reservations with respect to the direction it has taken and I suggest we 
discuss the matter during our meting this afternoon. 

It is essential to the value and usability of the of the _Lossy Compression by 
Coordinate Sampling_ to reach a common understanding on this and get the 
wording of the new section right.

Here are a couple of thoughts and comments for the further discussion.

@oceandatalab : You wrote:
> The "{...] using 64-bit floating-point arithmetic will reconstitute [...]" in 
> the shorter version is misleading from my point of view because it eludes the 
> software/hardware factor (though I agree it will not be an issue in most 
> cases).

The full sentence 
 ) was:

> As an example, a computational_precision = "64" would provide the guidance to 
> the data user that using 64-bit floating-point arithmetic will reconstitute 
> the coordinates with **an accuracy comparable** to the accuracy intended by 
> the data creator.

and I think that with the wording **an accuracy comparable** in the sentence is 
reasonable as I wrote it.

@davidhassell: You wrote:
> The accuracy will also depend, however, on how the interpolation method is 
> implemented 


> There are no restrictions on the choice of interpolation method 
> implementation, for neither the data creator nor the data user,

I am uncertain about the meaning of this. As I see it, most of what we have 
written is aimed at accurately and completely describe both the process of 
compressing coordinates and uncompressing coordinates, so what scope do you see 
for variations in implementations that would have an effect on the numerical 
results of the uncompression process? 

If we look at one of the interpolation methods, say the Biquadratic 
Interpolation of geographic coordinates method, it will never fully reproduce 
the coordinates, unless the the original coordinates were located in a perfect 
biquadratic manner, which is typically not the case. This is true even if we 
disregard limitations of the floating point arithmetic and differences of the 
computing platform.  One can think of this as the mathematical performance of 
the method, excluding any affects from floating point arithmetic and 
differences of the computing platform.

In the VIIRS example we have looked at, this mathematical performance is in the 
order of 0.5 m when using 16x16 point size of the interpolation subarea for 

If we look at the capability of floating-point numbers to represent a position 
on a global scale (Earth radius of 6371) then we have that:

- 32-bit floating-point, having 7.22 significant decimal digits, can represent 
a global position to a precision of 0.38 m.
- 64-bit 3 floating-point, having 15.95 significant decimal digits, can 
represent a global position to a precision of 0.7 10-9 m or 0.7 nano-meter, a 
distance comparable to the diameter of our largest atoms.

The floating-point arithmetic operation that constitutes the interpolation 
method will contribute to degrading the precision of the reconstituted 
coordinates, compared to the precision of the floating point precision itself. 

If we say that this degradation of precision is one to two orders of magnitude, 
then we have that:

- Applying 32-bit floating-point arithmetic to the VIIRS example, the error 
introduced by the floating-point arithmetic operations will be **one to two 
orders of magnitude larger** than the pure mathematical performance of the 
biquadratic method.
- Applying 64-bit floating-point arithmetic to the VIIRS example, the error 
introduced by the floating-point arithmetic operations will be **seven to eight 
orders of magnitude smaller** than the pure mathematical performance of the 
biquadratic method.

As it can be seen, in this example, applying 32-bit floating-point arithmetic 
may noticeably impact results in a negative way, whereas applying 64-bit 
floating-point arithmetic will not noticeably impact results, when compared to 
the overall mathematical performance of the method. 

As I understand it, computing platform variations in floating-point arithmetic 
implementations will mainly have the effect of introducing errors/deviations in 
the last significant bits of the floating-point numbers. So if the 
computational precision is chosen to have sufficient margin with respect to the 
mathematical performance (in the example above, this would be 64-bit 
floating-point arithmetic)  the effect of computing platform variations are 
unlikely to be noticeable for a well implemented interpolation method.


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