Dear Sylvain (@oceandatalab) 

Thank you very much for your proposed wording of the Computational Precision 
text, which I think is a sound way to formulate the meaning and usage of the 
`computational_precision` attribute. 

I like the detailed rationale you have provided and support having the 
`computational_precision` attribute of the interpolation variable mandatory.

Possibly we could shorten the text slightly and still convey the message? Would 
the following possibly do the job?

**8.3.8 Computational Precision**

The accuracy of the reconstituted coordinates will mainly depend on the degree 
of subsampling, the choice of interpolation method and the choice of the 
floating-point arithmetic precision used in the interpolation method 

The accuracy of the reconstituted coordinates may also depend on details of the 
interpolation method implementation and on the computer platform, meaning that 
the results of the coordinate reconstitution process may not be fully 

However, to enable the data user to reconstitute the coordinates to a accuracy 
comparable to the accuracy intended by the data creator, the data creator shall 
specify the floating-point arithmetic precision used during the preparation and 
validation of the compressed coordinates by setting the interpolation 
variable’s `computational_precision `attribute to one of the following values:

"32": 32-bit floating-point arithmetic, comparable to the binary32 standard in 
"64": 64-bit floating-point arithmetic, comparable to the binary64 standard in 

As an example, a `computational_precision` = "64" would provide the guidance to 
the data user that using  64-bit floating-point arithmetic will reconstitute 
the coordinates with an accuracy comparable to the accuracy intended by the 
data creator.

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