There are a couple of different answers to this question. What follows
are just a few ideas, and may not always work best depending on your

1) One way to have a CFC read in 'config' information is to simply
define them as probably always did, application variables, and read them
from the CFC. Ie, have the cfc use Application.DSN for queries. This was
problematic before 6.1 though if the CFC itself was cached. Also, in
general, a CFC should not directly touch Application variables outside
the CFC. If you ever rename the Application variables, you would have to
update your CFCs to correct them. In general, I try to make my CFCs
never use anything 'on the outside'.

2) Hard code the values in the CFC, or <cfinclude> them. Your CFC can
very easily either do

<cfset dsn = "foo">


<cfinclude template="settings.cfm">

Another option, and one I use on my blog, is to use an ini file.

3) Why not make a CFC that represents your application, and stores the
values itself. Ie, an "Application" CFC. One style I've used in the past
is to have one CFC responsible for my application settings. So I could
ping it to get the app DSN, root path, etc. These values would be gotten
at startup and cached in the CFCs that used them.

This is just a few ideas, but I hope it helps.

Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Mindseye, Inc
Member of Team Macromedia (

Blog     :
Yahoo IM : morpheus

"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mauricio Giraldo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 11:52 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: cfc vs php rule of thumb
> Hello
> When developing in PHP, it is common to have something like 
> this in a class
> document:
> // start
> include 'my_config_file.php';
> class MyClass {
>   // properties and functions
> }
> // end
> Where my_config_file.php is a file that has constants and 
> other shared variables. I am familiar with CFCs also but am 
> not sure what would be the right way to go on this issue. It 
> is good to have an external file with common variables, and 
> sometimes people have them inside Application.cfm but you 
> don't always want to have them there.
> Can anyone shed any light on this issue?
> Thanks


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