oi Mauricio!!

  <cfinclude template="blah.config">


Currently Playing: Jimmy Buffett - Son of a Son of a Sailor

Monday, August 25, 2003, 1:52:20 PM, you wrote:

MG> Hello

MG> When developing in PHP, it is common to have something like this in a class
MG> document:

MG> // start
MG> include 'my_config_file.php';

MG> class MyClass {
MG>   // properties and functions
MG> }
MG> // end

MG> Where my_config_file.php is a file that has constants and other shared
MG> variables. I am familiar with CFCs also but am not sure what would be the
MG> right way to go on this issue. It is good to have an external file with
MG> common variables, and sometimes people have them inside Application.cfm but
MG> you don't always want to have them there.

MG> Can anyone shed any light on this issue?

MG> Thanks

MG> - mga

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