
However you must admit that it shows:
1) Effort was made to market the program to .ASP and PHP developers.
2) the Same effort, or no effort, was made to market the software to CF

A well known and respected CF Developer had to ASK whether there were
any CF specific improvements or features that we've been looking for
Why? To me that is a glaring oversight on the part of a marketing team
that has Coldfusion as one of its foci. 

Is there a feeling that CF Developers have no alternative BUT to use
Dreamweaver therefore MM chooses not to list even one CF Enhancement
because it just isn't as important as capturing the .ASP or PHP market?

I've not read a reason for the above between yesterday and today, except
to have it confirmed that there ARE CF Enhancements....but that they
just weren't worth putting as part of a marketing campaign.

This could be compared to an issue raised in the past where MM sent out
a survey that did not include CF as a web application server package (or
something similar). 

As a lay person on the outside looking in, this would tend to suggest
that somewhere along the line within Macromedia either there is not a
focus at the right level, or no cohesive vision which includes marketing
CFMX/CFML to a wider audience. 

Perhaps this contributes to the fact that employers and business owners
are far more familiar with .ASP and now .PHP than they are with CFMX or
any version of CF?

Dave, with all due respect I am not 'flaming' anyone. 

I am questioning what I see as ommissions in the marketing of a product
that is a great tool for CF Developers, but this fact appears nowhere in
the initial marketing material for that product. 

Could you tell me the reason for that? 

That's what I'm trying to find out, and I think that was part of the
sentiment behind the initial question before this thread became one
about Homesite.

How does the that fact that there is no mention of Coldfusion
Enhancements help me when I go to a client to push a CF based server
Or when I am seeking employment and answering a question like,"What's
the future of coldfusion with Macromedia" ?
I cannot point and say," Look, they are introducing MX 2004 suite and
they've said it contains enhancements for....uhh...ASP
and....umm..PHP...but take my word for it there is lots of CF specific
stuff in there too!".

The point is not whether there are enhancements or not.
The point is that no mention was made in the initial marketing on the
website meant to hook people and draw them to buy and use the product.

That is my question and it is an EXTREMELY valid one, and that's my
It is not a flame.

-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Rafferty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Angel, I think majority of this was discussed yesterday.  There are some

stuff in DWMX that are CF Specific, but they also have to make DWMX look

attractive for other technologies as well.


Date: 08/26/2003 10:11 AM
Author: Dave Carabetta
Short Link:

With all due respect, you're flaming a product that isn't even
yet!! Before making judgements based on initial marketing, why not wait
the product, download the trial, and make your own informed decision.
yet, go to your local CFUG on September 3 for the worldwide MM meeting
view the sneak peek. Do you honestly think MM considers MX "yesterday's 
technology"? Did you suddenly forget about Red Sky, which clearly wasn't

your standard service pack? 

I agree that I haven't seen much that's CF-specific in the initial
hype, but somehow I doubt that the strategy team at MM decided to leave
of their core communities out of their plans. And if you're still not
when it comes out, it's not like you can't develop CF templates using 
another IDE. 

Give them some time to get their ducks in a row. I think this whole 
discussion is way too premature to be making the assertions you stated. 



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