Funny you should say that Adam,

I have a copy of the CFMX Bible by you right next to me :)

> Of course, you can just invite Sandy Clark, Adam Churvis or some other
> CF ceWebrity to do all the hard stuff for you ^_^
> -Gel

That's sweet of you, Gel! :)

Actually, we'd love to do some basic and intermediate CF & DB training some
time.  If anyone out there would like us to come in and train your group,
just let me know.

And Peter-- take a look at the ColdFusion MX Bible.  I know you're talking
CF5, but the sample application in Chapter 2 can easily be adapted to CF5,
and I get lots of raves about the database chapters.  I really explain
concepts that beginners often find difficult to grasp, like exactly what
GROUP BY and HAVING really do internally (helps to visualize) and how to
understand statements that contain GROUP BY and aggregates, etc.  Lots of

Hope you like.


Adam Phillip Churvis
Member of Team Macromedia

Advanced Intensive ColdFusion MX Training
ColdFusion MX Master Class:
January 12 - 16, 2004

Download CommerceBlocks V2.1 and LoRCAT from

The ColdFusion MX Bible is in bookstores now!

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