
It can be a number of issues, usually when JRUN craps out its because the system has crapped out. Next time this happens check your processes and see what the CPU and RAM usage is like. If you are running multiple instances, you may have one too many.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Critter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 02:54 PM
> To: 'CF-Talk'
> Subject: JRun has closed connection
> oi CF-Talk,!!
>   We've  recently moved a couple of our applications from CF5 to MX. We are randomly, yet repeatedly
>   getting  JRUN  errors  that  say  there  was  an  internal  server  error. and JRUN has closed the
>   connection. A refresh of the page, seems to clear the error.... sometimes....
>   any ideas / suggestions?
>   /critz
> --
> ---
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