Barney Boisvert wrote:
>Their sales dept accidentally typed an extra zero

I could sell $1,200.  $12,000 is enough to get me laughed out the door.

They are charging that much because someone made the decision that the
loss of volume and alienation of their grass roots will be made up for
by cash income.

Just like Allaire did with Spectra.

I would argue that this is a short term view.  MM isn't stupid, contrary
to what a lot of us are thinking right now.  To date I believe the only
major players that have gone up against MS and survived -- over any sort
of long term -- are Intuit and MM.  They *must* have decided they can
hold off on a generally available product for X months while MS catches
up to them.  

Me, I wouldn't push my luck, and would grab market- and mindshare and
run with it, lengthening the lead I already have... but of course I'm
just a simple geek prone to idle speculation.

Matt Robertson       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc.
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