What does Lazlo price at?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 07:49 PM
> To: 'CF-Talk'
> Subject: RE: Flex is out
> Barney Boisvert wrote:
> >Their sales dept accidentally typed an extra zero
> I could sell $1,200.  $12,000 is enough to get me laughed out the door.
> They are charging that much because someone made the decision that the
> loss of volume and alienation of their grass roots will be made up for
> by cash income.
> Just like Allaire did with Spectra.
> I would argue that this is a short term view.  MM isn't stupid, contrary
> to what a lot of us are thinking right now.  To date I believe the only
> major players that have gone up against MS and survived -- over any sort
> of long term -- are Intuit and MM.  They *must* have decided they can
> hold off on a generally available product for X months while MS catches
> up to them.  
> Me, I wouldn't push my luck, and would grab market- and mindshare and
> run with it, lengthening the lead I already have... but of course I'm
> just a simple geek prone to idle speculation.
> --------------------------------------------
>  Matt Robertson       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  MSB Designs, Inc.  http://mysecretbase.com
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