Whoa, There is something that's not intuitively obvious (at least not
to me).

If  I understand correctly:

It may not be desirable  to prime your swf with initial data, because
the swf would have to be generated every time it is requested.

However, with some effort, it may be possible to combine the
pre-generated swf and the initial dynamic data in a single
transmission, saving bandwidth, and client-server interaction.


On Mar 30, 2004, at 1:02 PM, Stacy Young wrote:

> 1)      I agree 100%. Only trick is I think there'd have to be some
> more
>  brains server-side as to avoid the 'recompile on every request'.
>  (essentially you're talking about dynamically created mxml)

>  1) quite often the Initial download of a RIA needs to be populated
> with
>  initial data... it would seem to make sense and be more efficient for
>  CFMX to get the initial data, manipulate it as necessary then generate
>  the swf with initial data already inbedded.  Rather than the client
>  going to the Flex server,, downloading the RIA app, then that app
>  immediately hitting cf for the data?  Seems like it would be less a
>  load on the server(s) and the client as well as significantly less
>  bandwith to ttransmit the data.
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