On Mar 30, 2004, at 11:13 AM, Stacy Young wrote:

> I can tell you from experience...RIA development for most typical j2ee
>  development teams will be of a fraction of the cost vs traditional
>  flash/remoting development. The difference in managing source code
> alone
>  is worth big bucks to me...I've had my FLAs over-written a few too
> many
>  times ;-)
>  Stace

Now that seems to be a very valid justification.

Do you think that adding CFMX to that equation adds or detracts?

If CFMX is a plus, would CFMX & the taglibs, alone provide the

I don't know, and am assuming that there is a lot more to Flex than the
taglibs... that the taglibs provide rhe UI components and generate the
swf from XML.


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