I can tell you from experience...RIA development for most typical j2ee
development teams will be of a fraction of the cost vs traditional
flash/remoting development. The difference in managing source code alone
is worth big bucks to me...I've had my FLAs over-written a few too many
times ;-)



From: Jeffry Houser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:46 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Flex is out

At 08:01 AM 3/30/2004, you wrote:
>Subject: Flex is out
>From: Thomas Chiverton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 13:29:34 +0100
>On Tuesday 30 Mar 2004 13:22 pm, Jeffry Houser wrote:
> >   Which of these are true?
> > 1) Is an alternative way to create swf files
>Well, it does.
> > 2) Offers nothing new to the Flash Client (I.E. with enough time;
you could
> > build anything created in Flex through other means )
>Yes, you could. Would that time cost you more or less than the 12K
>tag ?
>I'm willing to bet you could do it in-house for less.

: hmm:  Interesting.  I wonder how many other people think that the
traditional flash creation method will be less costly than using
Flex?  Only having a general knowledge of Flash I am not qualified to

Jeffry Houser, Web Developer, Writer, Songwriter, Recording Engineer
AIM: Reboog711  | Phone: 1-203-379-0773
My Books: <http://www.instantcoldfusion.com>
Recording Music: <http://www.fcfstudios.com>
Original Energetic Acoustic Rock: <http://www.farcryfly.com>

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