I load tested our app adn found that upwards of 40, everything fell apart.
I set it to 35.  Our app does a lot of sitting around waiting for long db
requests so I always theorized that processes in this state werent using
many recources.  Sadly, I found out that mod perl comes set at 200!  I
havent tested to see if I can reach 200 on the same app with a perl back end


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Vernon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 4:21 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF 6.1 simultaneous requests - optimum guesstimate?

I always went by 5 * processors plus 2 for cf4 through to 5 and never had
any issues....

On my CFMX boxes I'm going for 8 per processor.... No problems there

It does depend a lot on what sort of things you have running on those
requests however but we try to keep the code as tight as possible. This in
my experience has had more to do with a stable CF box than any CF admin
setting ever has.

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