If for instance you have the following example table containing Press
Releases in English


How would you make this multilingual ?

Would you create other tables for French, Italian etc ??

or would you just add a PRLANGUAGE field to the above table ?

And how would the relationship between the PRID's for example work for
different languages ?


From: Paul Hastings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 September 2004 16:16
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Content Management System (CMS) Wishlist

> for multilingual content = not just creating a separate branche for
> other languages.

yeah that was the first thing folks suggested when we started discussing
this for farcry. i'm not for that technique (1 new language = 1 new
we'll see how this plays out w/farcry.

> Creating a system being able to handle multilingual content, on object
> bases, is not a simple task.

perhaps but i've known it to be done ;-)
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