> 1) Content library, this should be a  content item and assigned either
> to multiple languages or a single language (e.g. english and spanish
> versions both link to the english download as there is only one...
> which we can then separate, or it defaults to english PDF if there is
> no spanish version)

well i would say that there ought to be a a spanish one. english defaults to
the rest of the world isn't probably going to hurt that much (unless maybe
you're selling stuff), but what about the other way around? suppose you have
a website in thai that deals with setting up a business in thailand. in
theory you have an english page but all it contains is the title, etc., in
english w/the rest of the keep-you-out-jail and lower-your-taxes info in
thai. wouldn't that suck if you couldn't read thai?

> 2)Depends what files.. if they are site images, then split them up as
> images/EN , images/ES etc  have one default language so if you dont
> find a resource you can default to the english (for example) so not to
> get broken links and errors

again i'd stump for "must have". if your client locale uses right-to-left
writing system (arabic,hebrew for example) and you fell back on en_US
graphics, you'd confuse the heck out of folks trying to navigate your site
(if you used graphics for navigation).

> 3) Accounts.. same repository.. add a preference for language

i would suggest locale instead, CMS isn't just text content, you'll need
date/numeric/curency formating for sure.

> 4) Workflow.. you should have workflow templates that you can use that

i'd stump for "one workflow to rule them all". in theory i would have one
site, same structure, same content (different languages), etc. websites that
call themselves teh same name but offer different content, navigation, etc.,
per locale/language are for the birds.
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