
> But 98% of all computers already have Flash and it behaves
> the same on every machine. The HTML code needed to embed
> Flash is simple, well-understood and supported everywhere.

Sure, I was just trying to balance out Joe's argument that you need "a
clumsy workaround" for getting AJAX functions to work.  I think, like
Jacob's post highlights, if you're using an abtraction layer then you
don't even have to worry about the "workaround".

> You try visiting some of the current "AJaX"-style sites in
> a variety of browsers and see what happens!

Surely that's more to do with the actual site development and testing,
and less to do with the browsers themselves?  There seems to be a big
push at the moment (which I disagree with) to get new apps out as fast
as possible and fix them once they're live ("beta" anyone?).  If you're
going to develop something, do it well!

> So you advocate building *two* versions of your website?
> And how many sites out there actually do that?

To be honest: not many (see my point about "beta" sites above).  But if
you have your application built on a decent base (using
pick-your-own-framework) then all the functionality you need to perform
the non-AJAX requests (hopefully) already exists and can be easily
reused.  I know they have slightly bigger resources than the rest of us,
but Google have a static (non-AJAX) HTML version of Gmail available.

> I just don't see it as an "either Flash or 'AJaX'-style stuff"
> issue, I think we'll increasingly see a blend of both. I'm just
> tackling some of the "anti-Flash" sentiments in Tim's email...

I totally agree!  I wasn't bashing Flash at all, just trying to show the
other side of the coin like yourself!  :)  As for seeing an increase in
a blend: we're about to embark on just such a project -- AJAX and Flash
used where appropriate and for what they're good at.

> Flex brings that for Flash content: no binary files, just MXML
> and AS3.
> ...
> But Flex is extremely natural for CF developers - a tag-based
> layout language and a JavaScript-style (ECMA standard compliant)
> scripting language.
> ...
> That may be true of Flash authoring but isn't true of Flex
> (since it likely would be your development team doing it, not
> some other developer).

My points were for our development team and at this time.  The cost of
Flex has been prohibitive for the apps we've been developing using AJAX,
but that was not the primary reason to develop AJAX solutions instead of
Flex -- in our case an HTML interface was more preferable!  Again, 

> > Of course, these sort of restrictions will be removed once
> > Flex 2 comes out, but at the moment an AJAX solution is
> > preferable to a full Flex licence!
> That depends on how you define "preferable"

In the case of our AJAX development so far it really hasn't been worth
forking out for a Flex licence, but that's not to say we've not done any
Flex dev: I spent a few months working on a completely Flex based app
and think that it's a fantastic platform.  Can't wait for Flex 2!  :)


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