If you use fake email addresses that contain bogus domain names, I would
think that they would get bounced at the first DNS server it encounters.

Good luck and keep up the good fight!


-----Original Message-----
From: Les Mizzell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 10:46 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Sorta OT: Form Spam Bots

These little buggers drive me CRAZY! They visit your guest books and
other forms and put in the most unimaginable porn links and crap ...

OK, so I've carefully programmed filters to prevent any of this stuff
from actually getting entered into my databases, and protected myself
against SQL Injection attacks and all that. I know I can also put one of
any number of "prove you're a human" solutions on the pages in question.

Still, I like to keep up with what's visiting a couple of specific
forms, so I still let them fill out the form anyway and their IP address
and form contents gets emailed to myself for analysis and spam
reporting. It's still blocked from the database though.

But, I'm getting more and more p*ssed off about this crap everyday. So,
I'm wondering - basically I'm just shutting a gate here and saying "keep
out" - but I'm not hitting them over the head with a baseball bat when
they try to knock on the door.

Is anybody aware of any methods that allow you to go on the attack and
*do something* to these buggers when they visit a form page? Yea, yea -
we're getting into th gray area of "evil code" - but if nobody takes
action against these things, they'll just get worse.

For example, for email harvesters, I've got a page set up that
auto-generates 25,000 bogus email addresses and has a number of random
links that points the harvester back to the same page again. I have an
alert that's emailed to me when a harvester hits the page, and at times
I've seen one reload the page up to 10 times, just gobbling up
addresses. What happens when the spammer uses the 250,000 addresses
he/she just collected to send spam to? Ok, it's a headache for some
network administrator somewhere, but I bet the "bounce" traffic makes
them at least LOOK at what's going on and and a previously open relay
gets closed.

Anyway, sorry for wasting bandwidth. Just pondering things...

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